Loading... The previous blog talked about carbon sequestration technology from the prevalence of electric vehicles. For a student who use GIS to visualize information, how to calculate the amount of carbon sequestration in forests is an interesting problem I'd like to figure out. After consulting a few papers, I found an appropriate method. <!-- more --> ## Method selection The amount of carbon dioxide sequestered by forests and their products is determined by various factors, such as forest area, tree species, age, biomass, climate, and temperature, which can cause significant changes in the amount of carbon sequestered by forests over a certain period. Therefore, for such a complex assessment and prediction system, the **forest stock conversion factor method** is raised to solve this problem. This method can not only avoid the tedious carbon density measurement, but also effectively reduce the measurement cost in practice. ![Carbon Sequestration](https://mujj.site/image/public/image/2024/03/21/65fc13fff0b5d.png) *If all of the above factors are taken into account, it will significantly increase the difficulty of quantifying this problem.* ## Formula The forest stock conversion factor method can calculate the carbon sequestration and stock by establishing a linear relationship between forest stock and forest area. The basic calculation process is as follows: $$ C F_{1}=\sum\left(S_{i j} \times C_{i j}\right)=\sum\left(S_{i j} \times V_{i j} \times \delta \times \rho \times \gamma\right) $$ $$ C F_{2}=\sum\left(S_{i j} \times C_{i j}\right)+\alpha \sum\left(S_{i j} \times C_{i j}\right)+\beta \sum\left(S_{i j} \times C_{i j}\right) $$ ![parameters](https://mujj.site/image/public/image/2024/03/21/65fc142150804.png) Many of the variables here can be substituted according to the international generic IPCC default common values, the sum of carbon sequestered by forest biomass and the forest is the total forest carbon stock, and this is the way how to use the forest stock conversion factor method to assess the current carbon stock of the forest. Last modification:March 21, 2024 © Allow specification reprint Support Appreciate the author AliPayWeChat Like 给阿姨倒一杯卡布奇诺~
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